CipherStash ProxyRead the getting started guide 

The Postgres proxy to scale and secure your database

Audit every query and row-access, encrypt sensitive data and add modern identity to your existing database. Works everywhere. Get started in minutes.

Works wherever you run Postgres

Audit data-access events

Audit data-access events

Log every statement and ID of every record queried. Quickly identify over-access and eliminate issues before they take hold.

Identify user access

Identify user access

Use JWT authentication for access control. Record what queries your users are running and what data they are accessing.

Encrypt data in-use

Encrypt data in-use

Row level encryption with, searchable encryption-in-use. Deny-by-default access that's easy to set up.

Security & visibility. À la carte.

Start with proxy and add the modules you need.

Detailed, yet storage efficient data-access events record the row-ID and column name of every query result. Integrate these events with your existing log management tools or our built-in dashboard.

The Postgres proxy that
is built for developers|

Because data protection is a team sport.

Based on the blazing-fast pgcat proxy, CipherStash Proxy is designed to be easy to deploy, high-performance, and secure.

Read the docs
# Run the CipherStash Proxy
docker run \
-e CS_CLIENT_ACCESS_KEY=123456789 \

Container deployment

CipherStash Proxy ships as a Docker container, deploy it in the cloud or on-prem.

Temporary access

Grant temporary access to your database for debugging or testing purposes.

Prometheus metrics

CipherStash Proxy exposes Prometheus metrics for monitoring and alerting.

59,000 transactions/sec
Written in pure Rust
Session and transaction pooling
Built for resilience
Advanced load balancing
Automatic failover
TLS 1.3 support

Watch the demo

Director of Solutions Engineering, CJ Brewer demonstrates CipherStash Proxy in action.

What people are saying

Our approach to data security is resonating with developers and security professionals alike.

"If you store PII and tell me it's safe cause you encrypt data at rest, and in transit, you're wrong. If your app or DB is compromised your reputation is in the 🗑. @cipherstash - an end-to-end secure, searchable, performant database. Their infra, your keys. Get on it."

Matt Allen
CEO at Tractor Ventures

"Had a great chat this arvo with @danieldraper about @cipherstash. If I was founding something new today I'd be super duper likely to use this to replace my 'user.[rb|ts]' I love how it gives you a PII vault but with flexibility around querying."

John Barton
CTO at Amber Electric

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to protect your data?

Create a workspace or book a demo to see how CipherStash can help you secure your data.