Deploying CipherStash Proxy to Kubernetes

To deploy CipherStash Proxy to a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster, you can either create a separate Kubernetes Deployment or add CipherStash Proxy as a sidecar to your application's Deployment.

Deploying as a Kubernetes Deployment

To deploy CipherStash Proxy as a separate Kubernetes Deployment, you'll need to create a Deployment and a ConfigMap. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Deployment prerequisites

  • Kubernetes cluster: Make sure you have access to a Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have one, you can set one up using Minikube or a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
  • Kubectl: Install and configure kubectl, the command-line tool for Kubernetes, to interact with your cluster.
  • CipherStash Proxy configuration: Refer to CipherStash Proxy config for details on how to configure CipherStash Proxy.

Deployment step-by-step guide

1. Deployment: Prepare the configuration file

2. Deployment: create a ConfigMap

  • Store your cipherstash-proxy.toml in a Kubernetes ConfigMap. Save the following in a file named cipherstash-proxy.yaml:

    1apiVersion: v1
    2kind: ConfigMap
    4  name: cipherstash-proxy-config
    6  cipherstash-proxy.toml: |
    7    username = "postgres"
    8    password = "password"
    10    workspace_id = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
    11    client_access_key = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
    13    [database]
    14    name = "stash"


    Use environment variables for sensitive information like access keys, client keys, and database credentials. The example above is for demonstration purposes only.

  • Apply the ConfigMap to your cluster:

    1kubectl apply -f cipherstash-proxy.yaml

3. Deployment: Create a Kubernetes Deployment

  • Create a Deployment file cipherstash-proxy-deployment.yaml with the necessary settings:

    1apiVersion: apps/v1
    2kind: Deployment
    4  name: cipherstash-proxy-deployment
    6  replicas: 1
    7  selector:
    8    matchLabels:
    9      app: cipherstash-proxy
    10  template:
    11    metadata:
    12      labels:
    13        app: cipherstash-proxy
    14    spec:
    15      containers:
    16        - name: cipherstash-proxy
    17          image: cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy:latest
    18          ports:
    19            - containerPort: 6432
    20          volumeMounts:
    21            - name: config-volume
    22              mountPath: /etc/cipherstash-proxy
    23      volumes:
    24        - name: config-volume
    25          configMap:
    26            name: cipherstash-proxy-config
  • Apply the deployment:

    1kubectl apply -f cipherstash-proxy-deployment.yaml

4. Deployment: Expose the service (optional)

  • If you need to expose the CipherStash Proxy service outside your Kubernetes cluster, you can create a Service of type LoadBalancer or NodePort. Here's an example Service definition:

    1apiVersion: v1
    2kind: Service
    4  name: cipherstash-proxy-service
    6  type: LoadBalancer
    7  ports:
    8    - port: 6432
    9      targetPort: 6432
    10  selector:
    11    app: cipherstash-proxy

5. Deployment: Deploy and verify

  • Deploy the service (if needed) and verify that your deployment is running:

    1kubectl get pods
    2kubectl get services
  • Ensure that the cipherstash-proxy-service is correctly exposed and accessible.

Deploying as a Kubernetes sidecar

To deploy CipherStash Proxy as a sidecar in Kubernetes, run it alongside your main application container within the same pod. This allows both containers to share network space and other resources.

Sidecar prerequisites

  • Kubernetes cluster: Make sure you have access to a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Kubectl: Install and configure kubectl.
  • Main application: You should have a primary application that requires the cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy service.
  • Cipherstash Proxy configuration: Refer to CipherStash Proxy config for details on how to configure the Proxy.

Sidecar step-by-step guide

1. Sidecar: Prepare the configuration file

2. Sidecar: Create a ConfigMap

  • Store your cipherstash-proxy.toml in a Kubernetes ConfigMap. Save the following in a file named cipherstash-proxy.yaml:

    1apiVersion: v1
    2kind: ConfigMap
    4  name: cipherstash-proxy-config
    6  cipherstash-proxy.toml: |
    7    username = "postgres"
    8    password = "password"
    10    workspace_id = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
    11    client_access_key = "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
    13    [database]
    14    name = "stash"


    Use environment variables for sensitive information like access keys, client keys, and database credentials. The example above is for demonstration purposes only.

  • Apply the ConfigMap to your cluster:

    1kubectl apply -f cipherstash-proxy.yaml

3. Sidecar: Create a Kubernetes Deployment with sidecar

  • Modify your application's Deployment manifest to include the cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy container as a sidecar. Here’s an example deployment.yaml:

    1apiVersion: apps/v1
    2kind: Deployment
    4  name: myapp-deployment
    6  replicas: 1
    7  selector:
    8    matchLabels:
    9      app: myapp
    10  template:
    11    metadata:
    12      labels:
    13        app: myapp
    14    spec:
    15      containers:
    16        - name: myapp
    17          image: myapp-image
    18          ports:
    19            - containerPort: <app-port>
    20          # Additional configurations for your main application
    22        - name: cipherstash-proxy
    23          image: cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy:latest
    24          ports:
    25            - containerPort: 6432
    26          volumeMounts:
    27            - name: config-volume
    28              mountPath: /etc/cipherstash-proxy
    29      volumes:
    30        - name: config-volume
    31          configMap:
    32            name: cipherstash-proxy-config
  • Replace myapp-image and <app-port> with your application's image and port.

4. Sidecar: Apply the deployment

  • Apply the deployment to your Kubernetes cluster:

    1kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

5. Sidecar: Verify the deployment

  • Verify that both the main application and the cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy sidecar are running:

    1kubectl get pods
  • Check the logs to ensure that both containers are functioning correctly:

    1kubectl logs <pod-name> -c myapp
    2kubectl logs <pod-name> -c cipherstash-proxy


  • Security: Be cautious with how you handle secrets and sensitive information in Kubernetes.
  • Networking: Make sure that your Kubernetes pods can access the necessary resources, such as your PostgreSQL database.
  • Resource Allocation: Make sure that the pod has enough resources allocated for both the main application and the sidecar container.

This guide provides a basic deployment strategy for the cipherstash/cipherstash-proxy container in a Kubernetes environment. Depending on your specific requirements and cluster configuration, you might need to adjust the deployment settings.

With CipherStash Proxy in place, you can now encrypt your data.